be the first to live in this awesome, light filled brand new property. 4 bedrooms plus study, 2 bathroom property.
Main bedroom with walk in robe and ensuite bathroom, 3 other bedroom all carpeted with built in robes, plus small study. There is an open living space at the front door and a larger living room toward the rear of the property that has a split system air conditioner. Well lit kitchen with modern appliances, wide benchtop, dishwasher, gas cooktop, extra wide oven plenty of drawers and cupboards, main bathroom with bath and shower, double lock up garage with entry to back yard, close to shops and public transport. Alarm. large laundry, separate toilet.
Greens Rd.
Turn into Calloway St
Left onto Stillwater St
Left onto Brushall St
Left into Tonal St
Inspect at Advertised Times
great house brand new