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What is the role of the real estate agent
over 5 years ago
What is the role of the real estate agent

Everybody seems to have some kind of an idea of what the role of the real estate agent is.

We could put it simply as Listing and Selling Property.

Fundamentally that is true. 

The real estate agent's role is to help you achieve the maximum possible price within a reasonable timeframe.

1. Agents help people to buy and sell real estate every day of the week so they are expert at understanding and appreciating the perpectives of both parties. 

2. Central to the success of an agent is their ability to communicate clearly and their leadership in hleping both buyers and sellers to reach decisions. 

3. Agents are experienced at distinguishing the difference between buyer negotiation tactics and reality. This can add thousands to your ultimate sale price. 

In reality, our team are regularly particpating in training events that develop their skill and ability to negotiate a successful sale. 

Our Home Sellers Guide worth $30.00 is available on request and is given away freely in exchange for a strategy session to sell within 30 days. Contact our office today 0398863833 for more information

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