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In recent times

Real Estate & Property News

New and improved methods being used by Trevor and the team at Quinta Real Estate are creating breakthrough results. Reports to vendors sent by indicate inquiries on Quinta Real Estate property being three and four times higher than the suburb average. send a weekly report to vendors who have their property listed as being ‘for sale’ on their site. This report identifies the effectiveness of your agent and their marketing campaign. do this by measuring your property against every other property listed by every other agent in the suburb. It is both exciting and challenging to see the result. The problem is – this is when most vendors realise that they have chosen the wrong real estate agent – and its too late!

Vendors that have chosen Quinta Real Estate as their agents are able to smile when they get these reports. Some vendors have phoned the office just to confirm the information was correct. We were very pleased to say YES!

This simple report is clear evidence that “we strive for quality always” and ” we question; listen; act and achieve”

The real implications for vendors is: More hits = people inspect on line = more people visiting the property = more buyers = more offers = higher prices

When your homes for sale, you can trust Quinta Real Estate to deliver results.